All experiments
PID Controller
A quick experiment with MatterJS to visualize a submarine being controller by a PID controller.
Film & Developer comparison
In this YouTube video, Andrew compares how different black-and-white film developers affect different black-and-white film. He kindly provides contact sheets for inspection, but I really wanted a way to properly inspect the differences.
Demo accompanying the Ditherpunk article which dithers an image of your choice with a bunch of dithering algorithms.
WhatWG Stream Visualizer
A visual “interface” for WhatWG streams.
Renders images as a spiral with varying wobblyness (technical term), so it looks a bit like a vinyl record.
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)
A reactive UI that creates the Discrete Cosine Transform of a given image, removes some data and then applies the reverse DCT to show the visual artifacts.
Workerized Mandelbrot with SABs
This experiment is a real-time, interactive Mandelbrot renderer using SharedArrayBuffers, Atomics and Web Workers.